Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Zyla Colors and Collage

I have been working through David Zyla's book, "Color Your Style".  It's an intriguing way of finding your own personal colors and connecting those colors to an archetype.  You use your Romantic color, which is the color of your natural flushing or blush, to determine your season.  Then within that season he has different archetypes that correlate with your natural colors, dressing style and personality.  David tells you which artist(s) correlate with each archetype, a few celebrities, and an overall feel.  Here is my interpretive Classic Summer collage in which I have added myself in.  This archetype is called, "The Classic Beauty" and it's Motto is, "Harmony Above All".  The nature images he associates with this are the Peony and the Cabbage Rose.

I highly recommend getting this book and reading it.  It's fascinating, illuminating and full of practical dressing advice.


  1. What an absolutely GORGEOUS collage! I love, love, love it! I've also read Zyla, but before I found out about SciArt. Since discovering my season (Soft Summer) I've been able to apply the principles in his book more easily. Without a comparative palette to refer to,it's hard to figure out your own colours, but with my SSu palette, I can now just pick the ones that belong to each category (essence, romantic, etc... ) and it makes sense now! Anyway, thank you for posting this collage, it's fabulous!

  2. Sonia, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I worked through the Zyla book for days taking all sorts of pictures in all different lighting and finally compiled my colors. When I was all done I went and got my True Summer fan to compare them and every single one of my colors were right there on my Sci/Art fan. Incredible! Sci/Art's draping to find your personal DNA colors and Zyla's methods really do work extremely well.
